Make the Center of Gravity What You Aspire to….and Not Today

Make the Center of Gravity What You Aspire to….and Not Today

With the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding economic turndown, the tyranny of the present has never been more pronounced. My next guest believes, however, that in these uncertain times, the ability for an organization to look into the future, as much as 10 years, is more important than ever. He is Josh Suskewicz, a Partner at Innosight and Co-author of the book Lead from the Future: How to Turn Visionary Thinking Into Breakthrough Growth.

Former Superintendent of West Point and a Psychologist on Character and Leadership

Former Superintendent of West Point and a Psychologist on Character and Leadership

Character, the moral values, and habits of an individual is in the spotlight now more than perhaps at any other point in modern history. What is the role of character in successful leadership, and how do you build it in individuals and prospective leaders? Those questions are addressed in a wonderful new book titled The Character Edge: Leading and Winning with Integrity.

And with us now are its co-authors, General Robert Caslen, the 59th Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point, who is now serving as the President of the University of South Carolina, and Dr. Michael Matthews, Professor of Engineering Psychology at the US Military Academy at West Point.

Simply Change Your Language to be a More Effective Leader

Simply Change Your Language to be a More Effective Leader

Too many leaders fall in love with the sound of their own voice and wind up dictating plans and digging in their heels when problems begin to emerge. Even when they want to be a more collaborative leader, they can undermine their own efforts by defaulting to command and control language we’ve inherited from the industrial era.

My next guest says it’s time to toss that old playbook, and that begins with choosing the words that can dramatically improve decision making and execution on your team. He is Captain David Marquet, Author of Leadership is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say and What You Don’t. 

An Effective Framework for Leaders in a Time of Crisis

An Effective Framework for Leaders in a Time of Crisis

In the midst of chaos, it is vital for leaders to have a framework, a playbook, a system that they can rely upon to guide them through the turbulent times. My next guest has provided just that. He is Daniel Harkavy, the Founder of Building Champions and the Author of a most timely new book titled The 7 Perspectives of Effective Leaders: A Proven Framework for Improving Decisions and Increasing Your Influence.

SEAL Platoon Leader on How You Can Create Unstoppable Teams in Your Organization

SEAL Platoon Leader on How You Can Create Unstoppable Teams in Your Organization

Almost every field of endeavor could benefit from looking at the best practices from other fields and embracing the ones that make sense for them. For instance, do you think your organization could benefit from exercising the leadership and team-building practices of the Navy SEALS? My next guest answers that with a resounding “Yes!” He is Alden Mills, a former Navy SEAL platoon leader, and author of a wonderful book titled Unstoppable Teams, The Four Essential Actions of High-Performance Teams.