Smashing the Generational Divide: The Eisner Foundation’s Vision for Intergenerational Connection

Smashing the Generational Divide: The Eisner Foundation’s Vision for Intergenerational Connection

Trent Stamp, the CEO of The Eisner Foundation, is determined to transform the way we think about aging. Rejecting segregated communities and nursing homes, he advocates for a future where generations interact, learn from each other, and build stronger communities together. The Eisner Foundation’s work funds programs that bring young and old together, fostering connection and purpose. Stamp’s mission is backed by research showing that intergenerational projects benefit both elders and youth. He believes this approach can combat ageism and lead to a healthier, more vibrant society where everyone has a valued role, regardless of age.

Revolutionizing Perspectives: The Strategic Power of Pricing

Revolutionizing Perspectives: The Strategic Power of Pricing

Jean-Manuel Izaret of the Boston Consulting Group champions pricing as a key strategic tool that can reshape industries and advance social good. He argues that innovative pricing, exemplified by Uber and Airbnb, can disrupt markets and align with nonprofit missions through models like tiered donations. Citing Apple and proposing a ‘Netflix model’ for healthcare, Izaret suggests pricing can democratize services and catalyze change, urging its integration into core strategic planning to maximize societal and business impact.