Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders

A key differentiator of the highest performing nonprofits is their belief in Executive Coaching. Not only is it transformative for the individual but for the whole organization. A “coaching culture” is becoming synonymous with places people thrive and want to stay.

I work to help inspire executives to make sustained change. The objective is to see better results, obtain those results faster, and ensure the sustainability of those results. This includes their executive performance, leadership presence, interpersonal communication and organizational results by helping them to recognize and utilize their natural and unique strengths with increased skill and confidence.

Whereas a great coach doesn’t necessarily need to understand the industry, I believe it can provide a distinct advantage. That is why I only work with nonprofit organizations and the people who work there. Email me at [email protected] for a courtesy coaching session.

“Denver has a unique way of bringing out the best in his guests and I have found that I walk away from the program both informed and inspired by what I have heard.”
Michael Thatcher

President & CEO, Charity Navigator

“Denver Frederick gave me the best media interview I have had in my 32 years as CEO of Americans for the Arts. I have had the opportunity in my career to be interviewed by literally hundreds of radio and television outlets. His approach was thorough, both serious and lighthearted, and extremely well researched. Because of that preparation he came up with some very detailed questions that tied to elements of our work and my own life that made this interview experience unique and very successful. He was also a gracious and thoughtful host before, during, and after the interview. I look forward to any future opportunities to work together again.”
Robert Lynch

President, Americans for the Arts

“Denver Frederick is a brilliant host who’s show is addressing a megatrend: how to create social or environmental impact with one’s capital. Wall Street wealth management firms and business schools alike are making dramatic strategic changes to address the “impact” wave, and Denver’s show is the place where the most important leaders in the impact and philanthropic industry are interviewed about their work, their lives, and the business of the impact that they hope to create.  Denver was the best prepared interviewer I’ve ever encountered.
Donnel Baird

President, Bloc Power


Nonprofit leaders are concerned, in light of all their current responsibilities, that they are not keeping abreast of all the rapid changes occurring in the sector. As a result, they wonder if they are failing to introduce cutting edge strategies and innovations that will make their organizations more effective and financially secure.

If that is your concern, I can help!

As the host of The Business of Giving, a weekly radio show that airs on WNYM-AM 970 in New York, I have had the privilege to interview nearly 200 nonprofit CEOs for the program. In so doing, I hear firsthand from them about what innovations are working, where their new sources of revenue are coming from, and how they go about aligning mission, methods and resources.

Further, I have visited some 100 of these organizations and conducted focus groups among the staff about what makes their workplace culture so healthy, engaging and productive.

The insights I have gained from these extraordinary nonprofit organizations can be put to work immediately to make yours even better. Let’s discuss! Drop me an email at [email protected] or call me at 973-476-4500.

“Denver has a unique way of bringing out the best in his guests and I have found that I walk away from the program both informed and inspired by what I have heard.”
Michael Thatcher

President & CEO, Charity Navigator

What Leaders Are Saying

Earl Lewis - President & CEO of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

“Every guest on any talk radio show wants a knowledgeable host who’s personable, engaging, and able to elicit smart, informed answers.  I found no one better at his job than Denver Frederick.  He not only knows the field of philanthropy, he knows how to ask the right questions and to garner answers that are crisp, often funny, and hopefully insightful.  He is a winner!”


Annie Griffiths - Executive Director Ripple Effect Images

“It was an absolute delight being interviewed for your program, The Business of Giving. In times like these, I believe Americans crave positive programming and innovative solutions. Your excellent preparation for our interview allowed for us to discuss important issues with candor and warmth. Many thanks for the work that you do.”

Adarsh Alphons - Founder ProjectArt

“This show offers influential platform where contemporary, global conversations about the hugely evolving sectors of philanthropy and social impact can be held in an easy to understand, fireside-chat manner. Its audience is ever growing, from millenials who demand brands become more socially conscious (think Toms to Warby Parker) to Baby Boomers, who will carry out the largest transfer of wealth in American history, with some of that certainly earmarked for philanthropy.”

Gordon Berlin - President MDRC

“Philanthropy is best thought of as the R+D arm of the social sector. It can take risks, try new approaches, and challenge conventional wisdoms. But if the lessons it learns are to have their intended effect on the making of public policy, it must also reach and inform the public. Using a radio interview broadcast format, The Business of Giving effectively plays that role, introducing leaders in the nonprofit sector working on the front lines of social change to the public at large.

Interviewing leaders from the nonprofit sector working to find solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing social problems, The Business of Giving forsakes screaming ideology and blustering attack in favor of educating, engaging and informing.”

Carol Glazer - President National Organization on Disability

“I can honestly say that in his striving for the “truth,” and his concern for in-depth reporting of issues, Denver Frederick makes you want to learn, and listen, more and more. He does his homework like no other journalist I know. That includes not only learning about the issues and the fields he’s covering, but the people he’s talking to. In an hour-long interview we had about disability in America and my organization that’s helping those with disabilities access jobs, Denver came prepared with chapter and verse knowledge not only about my organization and our field, but about me as a mother, professional and CEO of a nonprofit organization. All of the dilemmas, the conflicts, the joys and frustrations. The subtleties of politics and relationships. The ways in which leaders are called on to take risks, demonstrate optimism and courage, no matter what the odds.

He’s not afraid to ask tough questions, and he does his homework so well, he knows exactly what those questions are. He has stories galore, but knows when to keep quiet and let his subjects take the stage.

Aaron Hurst - Author of The Purpose Economy

“Denver is the gold standard. He knows his content. He not only makes you feel comfortable but pumped up. He is energizing and asks all the right questions and in a way that feels informal and like you are old friends. As importantly, he really gets the importance of marketing and that for a show to be successful it is about a lot more than a great interview.”