by Denver Frederick | May 11, 2018 | Guest Interview
Who is the largest landlord in all of North America… with about the same number of residents as Atlanta or Miami? Well, it’s the New York City Housing Authority, a system of 175,000 apartments….And a nonprofit organization that has been established to help New Yorkers better appreciate public housing, find some money to bridge gaps, and to innovate is the Fund for Public Housing. It’s a pleasure to have with us their President, Rasmia Kirmani-Frye.
by Denver Frederick | Apr 30, 2018 | Guest Interview
It was just about 50 years ago– April 11, 1968 to be exact– that Congress passed one of the crowning achievements of the civil rights era, The Fair Housing Act, just seven days after the assassination of Martin Luther King. But by nearly every metric, America today remains a deeply segregated society, with a growing shortage of affordable homes for low-income people. Here to discuss all that with us is Diane Yentel, the President and CEO of the National Low-Income Housing Coalition. Good evening, Diane and welcome to The Business of Giving.