Denver: We are now going to do Take 5 with Rich Berlin, the Executive Director of Dream. Are you ready, Rich?
Richard: Let’s roll.
Denver: What should we be worried about?
Richard: Lying.
Denver: What is one of your favorite documentaries or movies?
Richard: The episode of Ken Burns baseball series about the Negro Leagues called Shadow Ball.
Denver: What is today’s most underreported story?
Richard: Corruption.
Denver: What idea in philanthropy is ready for retirement?
Richard: Small programmatic, restricted grants.
Denver: What is something you believe that other people think is just insane?
Richard: Baseball will save the world.
Denver: Name some organization or person that you have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for.
Richard: Brian Stephenson.
Denver: What is the more interesting part of your morning ritual?
Richard: Escaping the house to get to work on time while still also paying attention to my five- and three-year-old.
Denver: If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be?
Richard: I’d be a rubber, one of those high-heat rubber spatulas.
Denver: What do you wish people were more open and honest about?
Richard: Their fears.
Denver: If you were to start your career all over again to do something completely different and away from this field, what would that be?
Richard: Butcher.
Denver: What’s your super power?
Richard: The ability to find people more talented than me to work for and with me.
If you can have one gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say?
Richard: Dream.
Denver: What is something whether this is related to your work or not that you are exceptionally excited about right now?
Richard: The Masters.
Denver: What is the one book you would give as a gift?
Richard: I would give the Goleman Emotional Intelligence Book to almost everybody.
Denver: What do you think about when you’re driving in the car alone?
Richard: Work.
Denver: What topic would you speak about if you were ask to give a TED Talk on something completely outside your main area of expertise?
Richard: Cooking.
Denver: What is something about you that very few other people know?
Richard: I’m an open book.
Denver: Given a choice of anyone famous in the world, dead or alive, that you can invite over as a dinner guest, who would that be?
Richard: Babe Ruth.
Denver: When was the last time you sang to yourself?
Richard: This morning.
Denver: To someone else?
Richard: This morning.
Denver: What advice would you give to your 25-year-old self?
Richard: Slow down.
Denver: Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?
Richard: Never force anything.