Denver: We are going to do Take Five with Mary Jane Melendez, the Executive Director of the General Mills Foundation. Are you ready for Take Five, Mary Jane?
Mary Jane: I am ready Denver.
Denver: What idea in philanthropy is ready for retirement?
Mary Jane: I think moving from transactional to transformational relationship is important so retire transactional relationships.
Denver: What should we be worried about?
Mary Jane: Climate change.
Denver: What is one of your favourite documentaries or movies?
Mary Jane: One of my favourite movies is Moana.
Denver: What is today’s most underreported story?
Mary Jane: The impact of the disasters and that the aftermath that the communities are still dealing with today.
Denver: What is something you believe that other people think is just insane?
Mary Jane: That there can be peace on the whole planet.
Denver: Name some organization or person that you have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for?
Mary Jane: Can we skip that one.
Denver: Yes. You can skip anyone you want. What is the most important thing that makes for a healthy organizational culture?
Mary Jane: Committed and engaged employees.
Denver: What did you change your mind about in the last 10 years and why?
Mary Jane: Let’s skip that one too. Sorry.
Denver: If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be?
Mary Jane: a spoon.
Denver: What do you wish more people were open and honest about?
Mary Jane: How they feel.
Denver: If you were to start you career all over again and do something completely different and away from this field, what would it be?
Mary Jane: I think I would probably a forester or a veterinarian.
Denver: What is your superpower?
Mary Jane: Mind reader.
Denver: If you could have one gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say?
Mary Jane: Be nice to everyone.
Denver: What is the one book you would give as a gift?
Mary Jane: The Alchemist.
Denver: What are you reading now?
Mary Jane: A Paris Apartment.
Denver: What topic would you speak about if you were asked to give a Ted Talk on something completely outside your main area of expertise?
Mary Jane: Skip that one.
Denver: What is something about you that very few other people know?
Mary Jane: I am a wine enthusiast.
Denver: Given the choice of anyone famous in the world, dead or alive, that you could have over to your house as a dinner guest who would you invite?
Mary Jane: The Dalai Lama.
Denver: What advice would you give to your 25-year old self?
Mary Jane: Be brave and bold.