How One Nonprofit Has Pivoted to Meet Neighborhood Needs During Pandemic

How One Nonprofit Has Pivoted to Meet Neighborhood Needs During Pandemic

The mission of the Citizens Committee for New York City is to help New Yorkers, especially those in low-income areas, come together and improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. That’s a big mission in the best of times, and these are not the best of times. And here to discuss his work with us and what they’re doing now in the midst of this pandemic is Dr. Rahsaan Harris, the CEO of the Citizens Committee for New York. 

Carol Naughton, President of Purpose Built Communities Joins Denver Frederick

Carol Naughton, President of Purpose Built Communities Joins Denver Frederick

One of the complaints you so often hear in the social sector is that some of the very best programs which have a proven track record are rarely replicated or can’t be customized to work under a different set of circumstances. But tonight, we’ll discuss one that is being replicated…and around one of the most difficult challenges we face, revitalizing the poorest urban neighborhoods in America. It’s called Purpose Built Communities.  And here to tell us about it is their President, Carol Naughton.