Kyle Zimmer, President and CEO of First Book, Joins Denver Frederick

Kyle Zimmer, President and CEO of First Book, Joins Denver Frederick

There were many hardships faced by the people of Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands as a result of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. But one of the more underappreciated ones was damage done to books and other educational materials in home and school libraries. This was not lost, however, on the nonprofit and social enterprise First Book. And we have with us now to tell us what they’re doing about it — one of our favorite guests here on The Business of Giving —
Kyle Zimmer, their President and CEO.

Lindsay Levin of Leaders’ Quest and the Philosophy Behind Compassion X

Lindsay Levin of Leaders’ Quest and the Philosophy Behind Compassion X

In this interview from The Business of Giving, Lindsay Levin, the Founding Partner of Leaders’ Quest, and the author of Invisible Giants: Changing the World One Step at a Time, discusses how Leaders’ Quest helps build a sustainable, more inclusive world in collaboration with leaders. She shares the philosophy behind Compassion X and tells us remarkable stories of people she has met and the impressive  impact they’ve delivered through their work.