by Denver Frederick | Feb 5, 2018 | Better Than Most
We visit the best corporate cultures of nonprofit organizations and social good businesses, but there are some wonderful work environments in the governmental sector as well. And one of those would be OPIC, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. So today, we’ll be heading down to 1100 New York Avenue in Washington, D.C. to hear from some of the members of the OPIC team.
by Denver Frederick | Jan 16, 2018 | Guest Interview
It was just over 10 years ago at the Bellagio in Italy that the Rockefeller Foundation and others first coined the term “impact investing” to describe a practice that was showing up around the world in different ways. So where has that movement been over the past decade? And where might it be going from here? Well, we have just the right person for you this evening to give us that story. He is Amit Bouri, the Co-founder and CEO of the Global Impact Investing Network or GIIN.