by Denver Frederick | Jul 10, 2018 | Better Than Most
And for this evening’s Better Than Most segment, we will be going out to Silicon Valley into the Palo Alto offices of Benetech. We’ll begin with their CEO Jim Fruchterman and then hear from other members of the Benetech Team.
by Denver Frederick | Oct 17, 2016 | Guest Interview
In the late 1990s, I remember quite vividly speaking to my colleagues in the nonprofit sector about the philanthropic potential out in Silicon Valley– from those making billions of dollars in what we now know as the internet bubble. And the response was pretty universal. “Everybody out there is so busy making money that no one is thinking about social good or giving any of it away.” But that “everybody” did not include my next guest who was there, and was always thinking about how technology could be used to best serve humanity… long before it became fashionable or was considered the right thing to do. He is Jim Fruchterman; the founder and CEO of Benetech.