Susan Wolf Ditkoff, Partner of The Bridgespan Group, Joins Denver Frederick
In a given year when $60 billion is given to foundations, only about $2.5 billion of just 4% goes towards advocacy work. But with advocacy campaigns having had a track record of success from ending Apartheid in South Africa to LGBTQ rights, the question becomes, why isn’t more of this happening? This is among the items examined in a recent article on the Stanford Social Innovation Review titled, When Philanthropy Meets Advocacy. It’s a pleasure to have with us its co-author, Susan Wolf Ditkoff, who is a partner at The Bridgespan Group and the co-head of their philanthropy practice.
Angela Geiger, President and CEO of Autism Speaks, Joins Denver Frederick
Do you know someone who has an autistic child or grandchild? It seems that many of us do. With the estimates of its prevalence now being 1 in 68 children who is being diagnosed with autism, and when it comes to promoting solutions, helping these individuals and their families and advocating for support, the leading organization in this country is Autism Speaks. It’s pleasure to have with us this evening their president and CEO, Angela Geiger.
Strengthening Charities for Stronger Communities
Human-service nonprofits work to improve lives in the country’s most troubled communities, but there’s another way in which they live on the edge: Many operate with less than 30 days’ worth of cash on hand.
The Alliance for Strong Families and Communities is a national organization representing hundreds of such organizations across North America. In this segment from the Business of Giving, CEO Susan Dreyfus addresses the severe financial strain many of them labor under every day.
Noting that governments pay roughly 80 cents on the dollar for the cost of social, health, educational, and other services they contract with charities to provide, Ms. Dreyfus calls on public agencies to fully fund those programs. She also discusses the importance of applying neuroscience to improve social services, and shares her theory of change for the 21st century.